Young children are like clay. You can mould them into any shape. Teachers (Parents and the environment) act like sculptors. They play an essential role in moulding how the children shape up. Teacher have the power to influence and build the character, potential of the students, and ultimately the society and the nation.
At Sakksham, we strive to empower the educators. Through various trainings and workshops that we conduct, we enable them to and enhance their skills to inspire better, affect more lives positively. Highly skilled teachers are able to inspire and inculcate the right attitude and skills amongst children.
Teachers and the Schools play a very important role in the education, growth and learning process of Children. Children are capable of learning a lot more than mere knowledge from books. When Teachers and Schools play an active role and focus on the soft skills, physical, mental and intellectual growth, complete all round development takes place, realizing the full potential of Children. Such children are able to perform well beyond the academic life and achieve wonders for themselves and for the society.
We conduct various programs to empower the educators in various disciplines such as Teaching Pedagogies, Assessment Methods, Enhancing Teacher Potential, Classroom Management, Classroom Effectiveness and Being a Subject Expert. Each of these disciplines has numerous workshops, targeted at enabling and empowering the teachers with the right skills, introduce them to not only the theory, but also to practical aspects of implementing these in the classroom. Learn more about each workshop.
We believe in building the future, empowering the educators, who inspire the children. These children will build a brighter future and a stronger nation. In line with this philosophy or ours, we believe the journey of empowerment and enablement should not be restricted by time, place, resources etc. We have made available various resources that the educators can go through and begin their individual journey of empowerment. Collectively, we build the nation.
Want to train with us? Browse through the training workshops we conduct. Send in your query. We can work together to create an empowered society and a brighter future. We can deliver the standardized training programs. Or design a customized program, tailor-made to suit your needs. We also provide education consulting for creating the right curriculum, skills, environment and much moreā¦ Whatever your need be, we are committed to make it happen.